RightNow 2009: Leadership Matters
Tim Ross (The Potter's House, Young Adults Pastor)
- Philippians 3:17-19, "follow me", "imitate me" -- Are we worth following?
- We don't judge the heart, but we are "fruit inspectors" -- If you smell like an orange, look like an orange, and taste like an orange...you're an orange!
- We need HOT leaders; people characterized by:
- Honesty
- Openness
- Transparency
- This (our) generation is grown on openness, so the only thing truly shocking is when we try to hide our problems and feign strength
- We need to be real, so we can avoid having/creating/becoming fake, burned out, used up, and fallen leaders
- Small groups need to become outwardly focused (in addition to inwardly growing)
- "Ecosystem" -- when you enter one, you change/disrupt it
- Is the change you are having (i.e. in the neighborhood where your small group meets) positive?
- "Neutral is negative" -- if you aren't having a positive impact, it's negative
- Benefit your neighborhood -- talk about things inside and go do something about it outside
- "Positive is positive" -- What's at stake?
- Christ's reputation is at stake (Matt 5:16)
- Our obedience is at stake (Matt 28:18-20) -- the great commission is repeated five times in the NT
- Eternity is at stake (Heb 9:27) -- judgment is final -- we will study, learn, and worship forever in heaven, but we only have now to lead people to Christ
- Our own spiritual formation is at stake (Phil 2:5-11)
- "Hell is real" -- get off the couch
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